Sunday, April 27, 2014

Remote AC CHUNGHOP (Multi) Buat Ganti Remote AC yang Hilang

Remote AC hilang???..
yah barang kecil yg fungsinya gk boleh dibilang kecil. Bisa semaleman kepanasan gk pakai AC.

Solusi untuk remote hilang yah cuman beli remote baru atau beli remote multi untuk AC. Untuk merk terkenal memang mudah cari remote penggantinya, tapi yg merek kurang terkenal seperti sy pakai yaitu TCL, terpaksa pakai remote AC Multi. Pergi ke toko Listrik depan komplek dikasi merk CHUNGHOP 1000 in 1 . ditebus diharga 27rb ajah.
Remote AC CHUNGHOP (Multi)

di manualnya ada terdapat settingan untuk AC merk TCL ( di set antara 120-133)

Tabel Merk AC yg didukung

Okeh coba disetting dulu, tekan SET 3 detik sampai digit code nya blink2, tekan tombol atas/bawah sampai ke nilai antara 120-133 . terus tekan OK, coba test pakai ON/OFF ke perangkat ACnya.
Tapi apa yg terjadii... AC tidak bereaksi, mulai settingan 120 sampai 133 tak coba satu2 ttp aja AC TCL gk respon. apa yg salah? remotenya jelek atau ACnya rusak?
AC rusak gk mungkin, karena klo pakai tombol TEST nya AC bisa adeeemm. Berarti Settingan remotenya..
baca-baca kertas manualnya, bolak-balik bahasa inggrisnya. Nah ada satu cara yg bisa dicoba meskipun memakan waktu lama, Yahh dengan Scanning dari 1 sampai 1000, tapi gk scanning manual ,pakai scanning py fasilitas remotenya.

Tekan SET 6 detik, maka ntr digit CODE pada remote akan scanning dari 1 ke 1000 (sekali naek angkanya sekitar 2 detik)... sampai code ke 300 belum juga ada tanda2 respon AC nya. seikit sabar campur putus asa hehehe, eh pada saat code nya di angka 393 eh tiba2 AC bunyi "Tiiitttt..." respon ACnya. LAngsung aja tekan tombok OK. tapi sayang angka di code remote AC nya dah berubah ke 403 (krn scanning terus). Jadi  tekan SET 3detik tekan tombol DOWN sekali terus OK , cb tekan tombol POWER eh AC gk respon. diulang lg SET -> DOWN -> OK -> POWER... setelah turun beberapa digit m didapet kode 393 untuk AC TCL nya.
Penasaran kok bisa yah harusnya AC TCL di code 120-133 kok masuk ke code 393, tak cek di tabelnya, 393 itu punya mek QIXING, china kyknya ....
kali aja ini TCL kerjasama sama China untuk dijual di Indonesia. Yah apalah alasanya, yg penting AC penulis dah bisa di remote lg.

semoga bisa membantu.

Friday, August 2, 2013

HT Baofeng BF-888S memang jadi pembicaraan hangat di berbagai forum ke-Raidioan di berbagai  negara, dikarenakan harga yg murah dengan kualitas yg boleh dibilang "lumayan". yah diharga 400rban udah dapet Handy Taklie, dimana harga segitu biasanya cuman dapet kelasnya Waklie Talkie yg gk bisa diutak atik frekwensinya, cuman maen channel. Si Baofeng ini dengan harga Walkie Talkie bisa dapet fasilitas Handy Talkie (HT). bisa maen di frekwensi 400-470Mhz. Power juga 5Watt (tulisanya..). Juga begitu dengan batre nya lumayan dan pakai batre Lithium.

Selain kelebihan diatas, memang ada beberapa kekurangan yg dia miliki, salah satunya yg penulis alami adalah faktor sensitifitas penerimaanya, yg mmg jauh kalah sensitif bila penulis bandingkan dengan semisal HT Motorola GP2000.

Kekurangan lainya adalah, HT Baofeng BF-888S ini membutuhkan software dan kabel programming untuk men-setting frekwensi di dalam chanel2 nya (Bisa sampai 16 channel yg dipakai). Seperti yg dibahas di banyak forum bahwa jikalau kita sudah punya atau buat sendiri kabel programnya dan download software programmingnya. BELUM TENTU bisa dipakai untuk memprogram HT BAOFENG tersebut. Meskipus dalam beberapa kasus ada yg berhasil memprogram HT tsb.

Kendala2 tersebut seperti yg penulis alami, seperti driver USB ke serial yg bermasalah, memskipun sudah install update driver USB ke serial nya ttp aja ndk bisa konek ke HT nya. Berbagai tips dan trik coba penulis lakukan, seperti memencet tombol MONI trs menghidupkanya agar masuk ke mode PROGRAM. Install ulang software dan driver USB to serial terbaru, menggunakan software programming alternatif dan banyak lagi lainya, tapi hasilnya masih nihil hil hilll...

Harus putar otak nih, sepedahan dulu keliling2 biar fresh....

Nah ada ide, penulis coba memprogram HT BAOFENG tsb dengan menggunakan PC yg secara fisiknya PC memang memiliki port serial RS-232 dari pabrikanya. Beda dengan laptop-laptop saat ini yg hanya memiliki USB port aja. Coba install softwarenya (penulis pakai punya BF-480), dicolok kabel program yg buat dan solder sendiri, sambung ke HT nya.. coba proses READING radionya... teeett MASIH ndak bisa..
Nah apalagi.. coba2 cek koneksi lg, cek saklar power HT, eh posisi tombol CHANNEL di posisi chanel 4, coba penulis putar tombol channel ke channel 1, radio dihidupin, coba di READING lagi...... ...... ..... Naaahhhh bisaaaaa!!!!!!... Akhirrnyaaa.....Alhamdulillah. Coba settinng frekwensi dan di PROGRAM ..... ...... ..... berhasil memprogramnya.

Dari pengalaman tersebut dapat diperoleh kesimpulan  agar  bisa memprogram HT BAOFENg BF-888s dan mungkin seri lainya adalah :
1. Gunakan PC atau laptop yg memiliki port RS-232 secara fisiknya, bukan konverter

2. Penulis menggunakan kabel program buat sendiri ;) yg didapet dari banyak situs di internet, ini yg penulis pakai, transistor menggunan C828 seharga 500 rupiah sebiji :)

3. Gunakan soft program punya BAOFENG BH-480 yg bisa di download di website resmi baofeng maupun sites alternaif lainya.
 4. pastikan knob channel di posisi channel 1
5. pastikan HT dalam keadaan hidup.

smg bisa membantu teman2 yg kesulitan memprogram HT BAOFENG BF-888S


sumber :
- situs resmi baofeng untuk download softwarenya
- skema programming dan gambar HT

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mosquito Repellant

Repell those repugnent insects from your Garden this Summer with this insect repellant circuit. Designed by Graham Maynard the circuitry consists of a phase locked loop (CMOS 4047) wired as a 22KHz oscillator. The output is amplified by a pair of complimentary output transistors and drives a Motorola 3.25 inch Piezo. Current drain is around 120mA so an external power supply is recommended.

The piezo used was a standard 85mm square Motorola Horn, Maplin part number WF09K or WF55K. These are rated +/-3dB to 28kHz.

edited from Circuit: Graham Maynard

NE555 Basic Monostable / Time Delay

Here the popular 555 timing IC, is wired as a monostable. The timing period is precise and equivalent to:-

1.1 x R1 x C1

With component values shown this works out at approximately 1.1msec.The output duration is independant of the input trigger pulse, and the output from the 555 is buffered and can directly interface to CMOS or TTL IC's, providing that the supply voltages match that of the logic family.

The timing diagram above shows the output pulse duration, the trigger input and the output at the discharge terminal of the IC.

edited from

Negative Ion Detector

This circuit relies upon the extra high input impedance of a FET, and also demonstrates
the gate terminals sensitivity to changes in voltage. The gate terminal here is left open circuit, connected only to the "probe" this being just a few inches of bare copper wire. With no fixed DC biasing, the gate terminal will respond to micro changes in voltage or "field strength". It is important not to make this circuit on veroboard or PCB material as this will reduce the effective gate impedance. Instead use an "open" construction technique soldering each component
together. The probe should not be touched directly and is best insulated in a plastic pen sleeve.
As static electricity can have either a positive or negative charge, the meter used
should be a centre zero type. Full scale deflection can be 1mA or 250uA for greater sensitivity. Remove the meter and use a multimeter to measure the voltage between FET drain and the preset resistor. Adjust the preset for 0 volts and then replace the meter. This will avoid
"bending" the needle.

If placed in a room the meter will detect changes in static charge, positive charge
deflecting the needle one way and negative the other way. You can test the circuit by
placing the unit say 5 feet away from a TV set. When switched on, the meter needle should
jump to full scale deflection and then drop down again. If you have a room ioniser, its output
can be monitored by moving the probe in front of it. As the detector responds to changes in charge, you may need to move the detector around to see the effect, but it will prove the
output from such an ioniser.

edited from Circuit : Andy Collinson

Simple UPS 12 Volt

This circuit is a simple form of the commercial UPS, the circuit provides a constant regulated 5 Volt output and an unregulated 12 Volt supply. In the event of electrical supply line failure the battery takes over, with no spikes on the regulated supply
The ability to maintain the regulated supply with no electrical supply depends on the load taken from the UPS and also the Ampere hour capacity of the battery. If you were using a 7A/h 12 Volt battery and load from the 5 Volt regulator was 0.5 Amp (and no load from the unregulated supply) then the regulated supply would be maintained for around 14 hours. Greater A/h capacity batteries would provide a longer standby time, and vice versa.

edited from Circuit : Andy Collinson

Audio Cable Driver

This preamplifier has a low output impedance, and is designed to drive long cables, allowing you to listen to a remote music source without having to buy expensive screened cables. The very low output impedance of around 16 ohms at 1KHz, makes it possible to use ordinary bell wire,loudspeaker or alarm cable for connection. The preamplifier must be placed near the remote music source, for example a CD player. The cable is then run to a remote location where you want to listen. The output of this preamp has a gain of slightly less than one, so an external amplifier must be used to drive loudspeakers

edited from